Today, I watched a short video of Charles Eugster. In fact I watched it 5 times after receiving it from a friend.


Charles was not a lifelong athlete. He started to run at the age of 95. And he became a two-time world record holding sprinter in 95 plus age category.


I tried to know more about him. In fact, as an adult, he contracted TB and was found to have a hole – the size of an orange in one lung. His running at the age of 95 should surprise us even more, isn’t it?


Odds are natural and they shall always be against for most of us. This shows that most of the older people can continue to work, exercise and enjoy life to the full.


In the video, I heard him saying, that “at the age of 97, he began to realise how much he did not know”, and his statement intrigued me deeply. It made me think about his statement with a broader perspective.


As we become older, we realise that we made many mistakes in the past. We realise that how less we know. We realise that many things in life we missed out for whatsoever reasons. We realise that how much more meaning we could have created in our life we lived.


Yes, we cannot reset the time and we cannot undo our mistakes. But looking at this video and I am sure, many more similar examples out there, age is not a constraint to win or negate some of our deeds eventually.


New technologies keep evolving and businesses are looking for professionals who have the skill-set in new technologies. If Charles can start running at the age of 95, can’t we keep learning tech skills which are in demand? Why should age limit our learning ability?