Challenges in Technology Career Transition (Report 2023)

Tech career transition comes with challenges like the daunting skills gap, intense competition, the need for continuous learning, and adapting to rapidly evolving technologies. Overcoming these hurdles requires resilience, commitment, and a growth mindset.

To gain valuable insights into the dynamics of transitioning careers within the technology sector, we conducted a comprehensive survey using LinkedIn Polls. Ten thought-provoking questions, each offering four distinct options, were posed to a diverse LinkedIn audience.

This report aims to analyze and present the findings to enhance understanding and inform strategies for a successful career transition in the tech industry.

Our Approach

  1. Market Research
  2. LinkedIn Survey Method
  3. 10 Questions Curated by Industry Expert
  4. Conducting LinkedIn Polls for Survey
  5. Data Compilation
  6. Analysis with Comprehensive Solution


Our Analysis

Based on the survey taken through LinkedIn polls, we received some potential reasons behind the choices made by the participants. Let’s analyze them individually.

1. What’s the biggest challenge when transitioning from a non-tech to a tech career?

What's the biggest challenge when transitioning from a non-tech to a tech career?

  • 56% identified the skill gap as the most significant challenge when transitioning from a non-tech to a tech career. It suggests that many individuals perceive a lack of technical skills as a significant hurdle in successfully transitioning into technology.
  • A substantial portion of 24% of respondents expressed that getting interview opportunities is challenging. It indicates that gaining visibility and getting a foot in the door in the tech industry may pose difficulties for those transitioning from non-tech backgrounds.
  • A notable 13% of participants highlighted the lack of guidance as a challenge during their transition. It could imply that individuals need help understanding the steps or strategies to navigate the tech career transition effectively.
  • 7% cited acquiring tech certifications as a challenge. It suggests that while some individuals recognize the importance of certifications, they might need help to obtain or navigate the certification process.


2. How do you handle the challenge of gaining technical skills?

How do you handle the challenge of gaining technical skills?

  • 41% chose online courses to gain technical skills. Online courses offer flexibility and a wide range of topics, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and choose subjects relevant to their career goals.
  • An equal 41% of respondents chose hands-on projects, indicating that gaining practical experience through real projects is essential to developing technical skills. Hands-on tasks allow individuals to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical context.
  • 13% mentioned utilizing boot camps to gain technical skills. Bootcamps are intensive, short-term training programs that provide hands-on experience and practical skills in a specific technology or field.
  • 5% of respondents mentioned mentorship to gain technical skills. Mentorship involves guidance and support from experienced professionals, helping individuals navigate their learning journey and providing valuable insights and advice.


3. What’s the most significant obstacle in landing a tech job without prior experience?

What's the most significant obstacle in landing a tech job without prior experience?

  • 77% of respondents identified the need for hands-on experience as the primary obstacle in securing a tech job without prior experience. It underscores the importance of practical skills and real-world application in the competitive tech job market.
  • 15% suggests that individuals recognize the importance of presenting themselves effectively during interviews, although the lack of hands-on experience is seen as a more critical issue.
  • 8% mentioned job market competition as an obstacle. While competition is a factor, most see the need for hands-on experience as a significant barrier.


4. What’s the most significant obstacle when adapting to a tech team’s work culture?

What's the most significant obstacle when adapting to a tech team's work culture?

  • The majority of 52% chose unfamiliar work processes as the primary obstacle. Understanding and adapting to a tech team’s specific work methodologies and procedures can be a significant hurdle.
  • 33% identified adapting to communication styles within a tech team as a significant obstacle when integrating into the work culture. It highlights the importance of effective communication within a tech team.
  • 15% indicated that getting accustomed to the collaborative tools used within the tech team is a challenge. Adapting to digital devices and platforms for collaboration is crucial to fitting into the tech work environment.


5. Which factor poses the most significant challenge when switching tech specializations?

Which factor poses the most significant challenge when switching tech specializations?

  • 55% identified upgrading technical knowledge as the most significant challenge when switching tech specializations. It suggests that individuals view acquiring new skills and expertise in a different tech specialization as a primary hurdle.
  • 24% indicated that switching tech specializations is challenging to build a new professional network. Networking is crucial for career growth and opportunities, and starting anew in a different tech specialization may require more work.
  • 21% recognized industry acceptance as a challenge when switching tech specializations. It implies that gaining recognition and acceptance in a new tech field could be a concern during the transition.


6. What’s the biggest challenge in overcoming the “age barrier” during a tech career shift?

What's the biggest challenge in overcoming the age barrier during a tech career shift?

  • 71% identified updating skills as the most significant challenge in overcoming the “age barrier” during a tech career shift. It suggests that individuals view acquiring new and up-to-date skills as a critical factor in addressing age-related concerns in the tech industry.
  • Some 16% recognized the challenge of age-proofing resumes, highlighting the need to present one’s qualifications and experience in a manner that overcomes age-related biases during a tech career shift.
  • A small 10% mentioned showcasing experience as a challenge in overcoming the “age barrier.” It indicates that effectively presenting one’s experience while transitioning into a tech career can be a concern.
  • Only 3% stated other reasons.


7. What difficulty did you face the most during remote onboarding for a tech role?

What difficulty did you face the most during remote onboarding for a tech role?

  • An equal 42% noted virtual team bonding as a significant difficulty during remote onboarding for a tech role. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of unity and collaboration within a remote team.
  • 41% identified limited resources as a prevalent difficulty during remote onboarding. It indicates that having access to necessary tools, equipment, or materials may be a substantial challenge in a remote work setting.
  • 17% mentioned difficulty with familiarity with communication tools as a challenge during remote onboarding for a tech role. Adapting to new communication technologies can be a minor obstacle.


8. How do you cope with rapidly evolving tech trends?

How do you cope with rapidly evolving tech trends?

  • The majority of 67% chose continuous learning platforms to cope with rapidly evolving tech trends. It highlights the importance of ongoing learning and skill development to keep up with the rapidly changing tech landscape.
  • 11% mentioned joining tech webinars to cope with rapidly evolving tech trends. It suggests that while some individuals engage in webinars, it is not the most common approach among the respondents.
  • 11% indicated subscribing to tech newsletters. It implies that staying updated with tech news through newsletters is a strategy adopted by a minority of respondents.
  • 11% stated other reasons.


9. What’s the biggest challenge in maintaining job stability during the early stages of a tech career?

What's the biggest challenge in maintaining job stability during the early stages of a tech career?

  • 47%, identified continuous upskilling as the most significant challenge in maintaining job stability during the early stages of a tech career. It highlights the importance of staying updated and relevant in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.
  • A significant 32% of respondents acknowledged providing results as expected as a challenge. Meeting job expectations and delivering quality work can substantially concern individuals starting their tech careers.
  • Most 21% recognized relationship building as challenging. It suggests that establishing and maintaining professional relationships and networks is crucial for job stability in the early stages of a tech career.


10. How do you showcase your abilities for tech without prior work experience in the field?

How do you showcase your abilities for tech without prior work experience in the field?

  • 42% chose networking and mentorship to showcase their tech abilities.
  • 37% recognized internships and volunteer work as a valuable approach to showcase tech abilities. These experiences provide practical exposure and demonstrate a proactive attitude toward learning.
  • 16% are building a solid portfolio to showcase their tech abilities without prior work experience. A portfolio allows individuals to showcase their projects and skills to potential employers.
  • 5% stated other reasons.


The Highlights

The survey analysis on challenges in the technology career transition reveals significant findings that shed light on the hurdles and complexities individuals face when transitioning into the ever-evolving landscape of technology careers. The survey, conducted using LinkedIn Polls, encompassed ten thought-provoking questions with diverse options to gain valuable insights from a wide-ranging LinkedIn audience.

Transitioning from Non-tech to a Tech Career:

  • The most significant challenge 56% of respondents identified is the skill gap, indicating perceived inadequate technical skills as a significant hurdle.
  • Gaining interview opportunities (24%) and lack of guidance (13%) are notable challenges.

Gaining Technical Skills:

  • Online courses (41%) and hands-on projects (41%) are the most preferred methods to gain technical skills, emphasizing the importance of practical experience and flexible learning opportunities.
  • Boot camps (13%) and mentorship (5%) are also recognized methods for skill acquisition.

Landing a Tech Job without Prior Experience:

  • The need for hands-on experience (77%) is the primary obstacle in securing a tech job without prior knowledge, emphasizing the need for practical skills in a competitive job market.
  • Job market competition (8%) and interview skills (15%) are also identified as challenges but to a lesser extent.

Adapting to Tech Team’s Work Culture:

  • Unfamiliar work processes (50%) and adapting to communication styles (32%) within a tech team are perceived as the major obstacles when integrating into the work culture.
  • Getting accustomed to collaborative tools (14%) is also highlighted.

Switching Tech Specializations:

  • Upgrading technical knowledge (55%) and building a new professional network (24%) are the prominent challenges when switching tech specializations.

Overcoming the “Age Barrier” in Tech Career Shift:

  • Updating skills (71%) and showcasing experience (10%) are recognized as the most significant challenges in overcoming the “age barrier” during a tech career shift.

Remote Onboarding for a Tech Role:

  • Limited resources (41%) and virtual team bonding (42%) are the primary difficulties during remote onboarding for a tech role.

Coping with Rapidly Evolving Tech Trends:

  • Continuous learning platforms (67%) are identified as the predominant method to cope with rapidly evolving tech trends.

Maintaining Job Stability during Early Tech Career:

  • Continuous upskilling (47%) and meeting job expectations (32%) are highlighted as the main challenges in maintaining job stability during the early stages of a tech career.

Showcasing Tech Abilities without Prior Work Experience:

  • Networking and mentorship (42%) and internships/volunteer work (37%) are acknowledged as practical approaches to showcase tech abilities without prior work experience.


Our Comprehensive Solution  

Addressing the Skill Gap:

  • Enroll in online courses or institutions for necessary technical skills.
  • Participate in tech boot camps for hands-on experience.
  • Join tech meetups and gain insights from professionals.

Gaining Interview Opportunities:

  • Create a compelling resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Network with tech professionals for informational interviews.
  • Attend career fairs to showcase your enthusiasm.

Seeking Guidance:

  • Engage with mentors or industry professionals.
  • Join relevant online communities or forums.
  • Consider a career coach for personalized guidance.

Networking and Building a Professional Network:

  • Actively engage in online forums and LinkedIn groups.
  • Attend industry events and seek informational interviews.
  • Connect with professionals and join relevant discussions.

Internships and Career Trial Programme:

  • Try to seek internship and gain technical experience on-site.
  • Try a Career Trial Programme, for learning and growth.
  • Request mentorship from tech colleagues.


Bringing In-depth Insights for you

At Sciente, our commitment to delivering well researched insights begins with a rigorous and structured research process. We start by thoroughly analyzing the market, identifying key trends, competitors, and potential gaps in the industry.

At Sciente International, we have over 17 years of experience in providing consulting and advisory services for Technology Career Transition based on in-depth market-demand analytics. We offer comprehensive, tailor-made solutions and flexible coaching and mentoring programs to align with your preferences, learning styles, career paths, and interests.

Let us help you make your technology career transition a seamless and successful journey. Contact us today to embark on a path of growth and opportunity in the ever-evolving world of technology. Your future in tech begins when you start your career with Sciente.

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